How To Stop Being A People-Pleaser, And Finally Build A

Life Of Freedom Where You Don’t Come In Last Place.

You know what they say about nice guys? Finishing LAST in your own life is bullshit.

That stops now. This is where people-pleasers discover they CAN set boundaries and

those boundaries set them free.

If I Met You On the Street . . .

​Would You Lie About How Miserable You Really Are?

You’ll act happy, open, and tell me how great things are.

You’ll say you have a great family life and a job you love.

You lie to yourself too.

But it’s NOT your fault . . .

. . . you’ve been trained your whole life to show up and shut up!

​(Hell, I started people-pleasing as a 6 year-old. You’ve probably had decades of practice putting other people first and ignoring your own needs.)

Maybe this sounds familiar – Do you . . .

Over-give in order to make everyone else happy

There you are, pulling double duty, doing things for people that treat you like trash

because that’s JUST WHAT YOU DO! Of course, at the end of the day you’re left

empty because nobody sticks around to give anything back to you. You give, they

take – then they take off. (Until they need you again, that’s just how all your

relationships go – you give your all and receive nothing in return.)

Say yes to things you don’t want to

Because saying yes is easier than facing the army of angry people that expect you to always do their bidding. You want to burn your life down, but you don’t know who you are anymore anyway. Where would you even start? It’s a lonely place to be and you’re officially stuck.

Hate your own life no matter how successful you are

Career success, romantic conquests and fast cars do nothing to bring you happiness that lasts because your life doesn’t feel like your own. Your fear of failure and letting people down is keeping you in prime people-pleaser territory. You’re afraid of setting boundaries, because you’re afraid you’ll sound like a jerk and be abandoned and alone.

I get you – I’ve been there.

I BEGAN my life trying to prove myself.

​I wasn’t living my own life, I was living for everybody else.

I Did What I was “Supposed” to Do...

All I wanted to do was make my dad proud. That’s what a man does, right?

I’d built my whole life around this idea.


I’d tell myself.

It was a false foundation though, and eventually what broke me.

Things came crashing down HARD.

My dad was hiding a terrible secret. I hate even saying it, but if you know how terribly he betrayed us and how horrific the abuse was then you’ll understand why my world imploded.

Turns out my dad, who I tried desperately to please, was abusing people close to him.

I was blindsided, he wasn’t who I thought he was.

Why did I work so hard to prove to him that I was good enough when HE didn’t measure up?

​Then came the drunken, depressive shit show.


I was drunk… all the time… and I didn’t even care.

I was existing so I could drink. I’d get to the bar at 9am, drink until 3pm, go home and pass out, then do it again at 5:30 pm until I could barely function and would pass out.

My home, my wife, my family- I didn’t care about losing anything (or everything). I just wanted to drink into oblivion and never face the hurt. It was too much.

One day at the bar everything was different. All the sights and sounds were familiar, but in a moment I just WOKE UP! I thought to myself, “If I’m not going to just die, I’ve got to do something different.”

I called my mom and asked for help. I told her I needed to be taken to a detox center immediately… or I might never wake up again.

Time to Change or Die

I felt no hope. No promise. No inkling of an idea about how I would have any kind of ‘better’ in my future. I just knew I had to change.

And change eventually came – I finally got sober.

(Do not be impressed by that sentence, it was actually relapse after relapse and very lonely. It did not come instantly or easily for me.)

As I was trying to get sober I found myself in the WORST relationship I’ve ever been in.

Manipulative, controlling, degrading and abusive and that’s putting it mildly.

Why did I keep ending up in these HORRIFIC relationships? What’s the f*cking deal?

Why do I keep having the same problem?

The answer: I didn’t even know who I was.

I was always living for other people, trying to make them happy.

I was a shallow shell of a person, still existing for everyone else.

People-pleasing was an addiction, just as much as the bottle was for me.

Could I Get Sober from People-Pleasing?

Goodbye to my nice, agreeable, doormat-style self. I was going to be the opposite – a people dis-pleaser!!

I read a lot of books about setting boundaries and they’re all garbage. They teach you about saying words and communicating your needs with every person you come in contact with and it’s so INACCESSIBLE!

Boundaries are not EXTERNAL first, they don’t start outside of us, they must be INTERNAL!

This is why I created my system, because boundary conversations are conversations that we have with ourselves FIRST.

Boundary books tell you to “set something in stone and make sure everybody respects it.”


YOU respect YOU, know your values, then you can learn to communicate and enforce them.

It’s inside first.

I’ve never been happier than I am now as a people DISpleaser.

And I’m Not The Only One

William has finally said goodbye to people-pleasing . . .

It was an epic course brother. As I sit here thinking of something witty to say, it's just pure raw emotion on my end. I am not sure why every time i think of you or the course it brings tears to my eyes. They are tears of hope."

Craig is making new shifts . . .

"I came into this program without much expectation or without knowing if the material would really apply to me. In the end, it certainly did. In the past week alone I have seen an incredible change in my approach to uncomfortable situations. Thank you, Nick!"

Mark has never looked back after boundaries . . .

I feel lighter and I don't spend all of my waking hours trying to craft an image of myself for everyone that I meet. The monkey vortex that ran through my brain of worrying about what everyone thought of me was exhausting. I sleep better. I feel better. I am actually happier than I have been for as long as I can remember."

Aletta has more self respect . . .

"I really do deserve to take my place in the world. I deserve more and I am allowed so much more. I expect to be respected and I let people know now so that is a big change and shock for everyone."

How Long are You Willing to Let People-Pleasing Stop You From Living Your Own Life?

If you ignore what I’m saying and keep doing everything for everyone and putting yourself last, what could happen?

Will life get easier?

Will life get happier?

Or will you still be frustrated a year from now, struggling in relationships, feeling lonelier and more disconnected than ever? Still being manipulated into a puppet?

I know exactly how that feels. And I want you to hear me when I say . . . I’m with you!

I was a people-pleaser to my core and a pro at lying to myself and everyone around me.

​But that all changed with boundaries.

Imagine When . . .

You are in the driver’s seat, making your own decisions. You know yourself and trust yourself to make epic decisions. 🏎️

You aren’t jumping “how high” for somebody else. Other people’s opinions don’t control you anymore! And even more importantly, you know exactly how to defend yourself against the manipulator tactics used against you. 🛑

Your fears don’t rule your relationships. You don’t react like a caged animal when anyone gets close to you because you aren’t in a cage anymore- you’re a free man. 🚀​

Here’s the Deal:

The Life YOU Want is Within Reach

Why Do I Believe This is Possible For You Too?

  • Because I’ve seen solid boundaries TRANSFORM LIVES over and over again.

  • Because I’ve seen men go from door-mats to EXCUSE ME, that's my boundary.

  • Because I’ve seen “nice-guys” who feel disrespected by everyone in their lives discover their power and command respect with fair boundaries.

  • Because I’ve seen men who feel like useless puppets in relationships rock boundaries and establish thriving relationships that make everyone a little jealous.

And I’m going to show YOU exactly how you can build

boundaries too - I don’t hold anything back.


Boundary Bootcamp

The program takes chronic people-pleasers (who always end up in LAST place, while the people around them take and take) and whips them into shape as assertive, self-assured go-getters who are the directors of their own life.

If you can give me just a few hours a week, I can give you the blueprint to

Build effective boundaries

Confidently express your needs

Communicate assertively and respectfully

Maintain balance between self-care and the well-being of others

Boundary Bootcamp has 8 lessons, free of fluff and straight to the point.

Check out this sneak peek of weekly content!

Week 1: What The Hell Are Boundaries Anyway?

Common misconceptions like “boundaries are selfish” and “boundaries push people away” and how to NOT fall for them.

How to spot a people-pleaser a mile away and why they are magnets for manipulators.

In Week 1 you’ll redefine boundaries and discover the exact steps Nick uses to battle resentment and victimization.

Week 2: Boundary Realization- In The Real World.

How to handle boundaries with your terrible boss or demanding co-workers.

Social situations have you panicking? How to prepare, how to articulate your boundaries, and how to not freak out.

In Week 2 you’ll get into the nitty gritty of the real world and exactly what to do next when someone crosses your boundary and you are standing there feeling uncomfortable.

Week 3: Internal Boundaries- How To Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself.

Recognize when stress, anxiety and overwhelm are connected to your boundaries being violated.

Emotions, thoughts and behaviors and all the other things we like to ignore.

In Week 3 you’ll discover and practice Nick’s 3-part technique for strengthening and maintaining boundaries even when you feel like shit.

Week 4: External Boundaries- Be Assertive Without Being A Jerk.

How to begin with clear boundaries in relationships- from dating to the bedroom.

Enforcing boundaries with the 3 essential standards: effective communication, assertiveness and consistency.

In Week 4 you’ll uncover the secrets to boundaries in relationships and learn the 7 types of boundaries that you were never taught (but desperately needed!)

Week 5: Boundary Bill of Rights- A Living Document

Step-by-step guide for building a Bill of Rights that gives you confidence.

3 strategies that make upholding your boundaries doable for even the worst people-pleasers.

In Week 5 you’ll unlock the secrets to handle the pushback or resistance that inevitably shows up when you put yourself first.

Week 6: When, Why And How To Be Flexible- It’s Easier Than You Think

Everyone has Karens (mother-in-laws, neighbors, new boss, etc.) – how to adjust and evaluate boundaries without disturbing the peace.

​​Reading the room and how culture and society influence your boundaries.

In Week 6 you’ll dive deep into monitoring other’s feelings and receiving feedback that might be hard to take.

Week 7: Limiting Beliefs- And Why I Know They’re Holding You Back

How your poor boundaries messed with your self-esteem and relationships.

​​​If I set boundaries people will abandon me, and other WRONG things you might believe.

In Week 7 you’ll understand what’s going on in your head and why self-compassion is the one thing that will change everything.

Week 8: Boundary Systems- The 4 Things You Need To Make Boundaries Stick

Knowledge and tools from a recovering people-pleaser you won’t hear anywhere else.

The truth about what it takes to manage your boundaries (Hint: it starts with a journal!)

In Week 8 you’ll uncover what healthy boundaries look like and take the steps to begin creating improved relationships in your own life.

PLUS, when you enroll today, you also get these amazing bonuses:

BONUS ONE: 2 Live Q&A Sessions With Nick Pollard.

Not one, but TWO live Q&A sessions where you can have your individual questions answered live and in real time. Nick’s coaching style is a fan favorite as he cuts through the crap and goes right for the heart of the matter. No question is off limits.

BONUS TWO: Boundaries and Physical Health with Mike Pridgen

Join Nick and social media sensation Mike Pridgen for a once in a lifetime chance to discover how your boundaries make the difference in how you look, feel, and more importantly love yourself as you blossom into the new you. These two are also hilarious together so this should be a fun ride!

BONUS THREE: People Pleasing and Self-Forgiveness

Have a front row seat to fascinating research into forgiveness and people-pleasing with Dr. Margie McCaslin Licensed Marriage Therapist. Margie wrote the book on forgiveness and this is one you won't want to miss

BONUS FOUR: 90 Days Free Access to Bulletproof Boundaries Community!

Join Nick and Hundreds of others who have take the Bootcamp and Changed their lives in this one of a kind support group that is committed to your growth, accountability and supporting you along the way free for 90 days! ******NICK WILL ALSO BE TEACHING A NEW UNSEEN MODULE EVERY MONTH to all members with Special Guests and Surprising Homework!

Now there’s one question on your mind . . . how much is Boundary Bootcamp going to ‘cost’ you?

It’s going to be MUCH less than you’re expecting, but you’re asking the wrong question.

The right question is . . .

How Much is it Worth for You to Finally Put Yourself First, Kick People-Pleasing to the Curb and be Confident and Self-Assured Instead of Someone Else’s Puppet?

My method and strategy for overcoming your people-pleasing habits has changed the GAME for my clients.

It’s changed the game SO much that I could put a MASSIVE price tag on it. I mean…

How much is it worth to finally make your own decisions without pushback, guilt and shame?

How much is it worth to avoid social situations where you feel like a doormat loser?

How much is it worth to escape crippling stress, anxiety and overwhelm in the office?

How much is it worth to have a simple plan for how to communicate assertively?

How much is it worth to feel confident at work and in close relationships?

Clients have happily paid $10,000 to work with me directly and get access to these same systems and strategies.

Even that is nothing compared to how much your life will change when you’re in the driver’s seat, you aren’t faking it and you feel FREEDOM for the first time ever.

$5,000 over the next 8 weeks would be a super low price to pay considering how much your life will change when you graduate from Boundary Bootcamp.

BUT – I want this course to be an automatic yes. So I’m offering it to you at an incredible rate.

Just easy enough to pull together the cash and make the investment in yourself, especially if you aren’t used to putting your needs ahead of others.

So even though we agree that Boundary Bootcamp is worth $5k, if you act right now you won’t pay $5,000.

You won’t pay $3,000.

You won’t even pay $1,000.

You get the entire 8 week Boundary Bootcamp course, PLUS BONUSES for the rate of . . .Just $247 today!

I expect to sell Boundary Bootcamp for $997 in the future, so take advantage now at just $247.

All you have to do is click the button right now! (It will NEVER be this low again).

Your brain might be using its standard excuses about why you shouldn’t do this (or anything) for yourself right now. But the thing is, I can promise that Boundary Bootcamp will get you the results you’ve been dreaming of.

Here’s what people are saying:

"This course has cracked my stagnated life.
The best gift I've given myself."

"This is my life and I am responsible for it - might sound simple and familiar. 8 weeks with Nick will show you how deep it can be. I have learnt simple and effective skills to admit this truth and how to implement it in my life. Trust Nick and his tasks - he will trigger sh*t out of you. Believe me - it will make you
more free, than you have ever been."

Anton Aleksandrov

"I have read lots of books and tried

different systems to be a better me but I haven’t stuck with any of have shown me that I can be me (whoever that is) and it’s ok. I have always been nervous to figure out who I am and why I was put on this earth but now I am excited to figure out who I am and develop a loving relationship with myself that I have never had before."

Kim Troyer

"I can burst out of my shell and
be a better version of me"

Kim Troyer

"I was working WAAAAY too many hours and living in "reactive mode" instead of proactively drawing better lines in the sand - the awareness that I needed to create some boundaries around my time and energy led me to this first step and class."

Shawn White

"I needed to create some boundaries around
my time and energy"

Shawn White

Here’s EVERYTHING You Get When

You Enroll Today:

8 Weeks of training in My strategic system that takes even the worst people-pleasers and turns them into self-assured, assertive and thriving go-getters!

Bonus #1: 2 Live Q&A Sessions With Me, Nick Pollard where you can ask ANYTHING and get an answer with zero bullshit.

Bonus #2: Boundaries and Health with Mike Pridgen You do not want to miss these two chuckle heads and this powerful discussion about fitness, food, and being kind to yourself. It will be a blast!

Bonus #3: People Pleasing and Self Forgiveness where you learn directly from Dr. Margie McCaslin on the art of forgiving yourself and healing your future.

Bonus #4: Instant Download Bulletproof Boundaries that gives you a guide to get right to work creating boundaries that can withstand the darts thrown your way.​

100% Hassle-Free, Breathe-Easy, Get Your Money Back Guarantee

I’m so convinced that Boundary Bootcamp will be the FIRST step in helping you regain control of your life that I have zero hesitations offering a full, 100% money-back guarantee. As you embrace your power to make decisions that align with YOUR values, YOUR needs and YOUR desires (instead of prioritizing everybody else 😫) you will literally feel like a new person.

You will have confidence and assertiveness as you navigate relationships and situations. It may be hard to imagine that person right now, but that’s where you’re heading.

Because I can SEE the future YOU that’s waiting, and you can’t yet, I’m going to offer a course guarantee. I’m going to make it so easy to breathe right now, and take away any concerns or fears you have about Boundary Bootcamp working for you.

If you come ready to learn and willing to try, you WILL see results. But, if you feel like you’ve learned nothing and boundaries are just as awkward as ever after, we can still be friends.

You’ll get to access and implement the material up to four full weeks. And if nothing has changed, let me know within 30 days from when we started and I will immediately give you a full refund and wish you the best.

No hard feelings and no strings attached. I won’t make you wait, I’ll process your credit refund on the spot.

I’m so confident that you’ll be loving the NEW version of you so much that you’ll be recommending Boundary Bootcamp and referring dozens of people directly to me.

Are You Still Sitting on the Fence?

Here are some questions others have asked . . .

Is this going to be just like every other course with worksheets and quizzes?

You are not going to feel like a freshman again! Ha! This isn’t just a course, it’s Bootcamp! Every week you’ll be challenged to GO and DO something that gets you closer to solid, stable boundaries. Boundary Bootcamp is focused on real results and practical applications, not click-around quizzes that require no growth. I don’t want that for you, I am determined to see you kick people-pleasing in the face.

Do I have lifetime access?

Yes! Once you’re in, you’re in for life.

How many weeks should I plan on?

Boundary Bootcamp runs for 6 weeks and you’ll want to stick around for the bonus 2 weeks of content. Give me 2 months, we’re going to dig into your habits, mindset, tendencies and monsters hiding in your closet. Every week is a new topic and new growth, so I promise it will FLY by!

Is it going to take a lot of time?

Boundary Bootcamp is designed for busy people with jobs and families. We’ll have weekly calls and there will be a challenge for you to complete every week. How long the challenge takes is completely up to you and how hard you go after it. Busy is not a good excuse to pass on Boundary Bootcamp.The course isn’t full of fluff, time-wasters or useless content. I drilled down the MOST important content and it’s sharp!

Am I too old? I’m afraid I’m too stuck in my ways that it’s not possible for me.

You’ve never had the resources until now, so it probably felt too hard and out of reach for you to change huh? You are never TOO old or TOO stubborn to be kinder to yourself. You’re never too set in your ways to start showing yourself the respect you deserve. It’s never too late to make YOU the priority, even if it’s the first time in decades. Don’t think for one second that you’re hopeless, I’m not giving up on you.

You are just ONE CLICK away . . .

. . . from turning into a people-DIS-pleaser who doesn’t take anymore shit

40% of individuals struggle with people-pleasing tendencies. You definitely aren’t alone, but the impact on your lives and relationships is DEEP and WIDE.

You are one click away from self-discovery! Authenticity is SO close you can almost taste it!

I’ll show you how, step-by-step, to set boundaries so solid that you’re basically holding up a sign to the world that says, “Your Shit Stops Here!” 🛑

Just because you’ve been the dumping ground for your family, coworkers or partner doesn’t mean that has to continue. Make it stop.

One final thought from Nick . . .

You’re at a crossroads. Sitting here isn’t easy. You’ve got a lot of people telling you exactly how you should be living your life. The noise is loud.

But you also have intuition, and maybe this is the moment where you say, “F*CK IT, I’m putting ME first!” ​

​Maybe this is when you decide that “I’m going to stop pretending I’m fine and everything is good enough., I’m going to stop lying to myself and showing up in a fake-ass life where I never get to call the shots.”​​

The way I look at it- you have two options today . . .

#1–You can listen to the voices and the fears telling you that you don’t have to change a thing and you stay exactly where you are. Everything is fine, playing small is more comfortable for you anyway and you don’t want to upset the status quo. You don’t admit your lack of freedom and authenticity, and you keep shoving it down, falling prey to the manipulative controllers in your life.


#2– You put yourself first, say yes and join me in Boundary Bootcamp. You’ll internalize the skills that will take you from people-pleasing and numb to self-assured and living the life you design. As each week of the course goes by you’ll find yourself adopting a new mindset and making changes to your habits that break you free from old toxic patterns.

These are your options, and I would be so honored if you chose me as your coach, guide and friend along this journey. I commit to support you and never let you forget that your effort in bettering yourself is f*cking WORTH IT!


Nick Pollard

The People-Dis-Pleaser

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